ERES Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs: updated July 15, 2021
How was the strategic plan developed?
The strategic plan was developed by BEA leadership under the direction of the Governor. The plan was augmented and informed by new economic realities stemming from Covid-19, with input from New Hampshire stakeholders and national economic development best practices.
Why is BEA launching this plan?
BEA heard from residents and partners that the state needed greater strategic direction and guidance related to an economic development strategy. This plan will serve as the framework to modernize economic development in the state.
How much will this program cost, and how will this be paid for?
Since the ERES helps New Hampshire communities come out of the pandemic stronger, BEA is devoting significant staffing resources to the implementation of this plan. Federal funds are also being sought to support related economic development initiatives.
What does CEDRs stand for?
The acronym CEDRs stands for Collaborative Economic Development Regions.
What will CEDRs offer to the regions?
Collaborative groups of local organizations and economic development partners that create, promote and accelerate initiatives to align with ERES and act as a hub or centralizer for resources in the region.
As a resident, how can I benefit from CEDRs?
CEDRs organize and provide access to statewide and local resources for residents seeking assistance in starting a business or doing business in New Hampshire. Each CEDR will also support your region’s strategy and goals for economic growth.
Will I have a CEDR in my region?
Yes, four CEDRs will cover the entire state. They are the Seacoast CEDR, the Central Southern CEDR, the Southwest CEDR and Northern CEDR. The Seacoast CEDR is now in place and the remaining three CEDRs will be phased in by the end of 2021.
How do I join a CEDR?
Membership models in CEDRs are still being determined. Anyone interested in participating should contact the BEA point of contact listed below.
Seacoast Region: Mikael Pyrtel
Southwest and Northern Regions: Janel Lawton
Central Southern Region: Theresa Pinto
Statewide Resource Network
What is the purpose of a Statewide Resource Network?
Statewide Resource Networks are collaborative, statewide groups that convene members performing a single specific economic development function so that information, events, and services related to that function easily accessible.
How many Statewide Resource Networks will the state have, and what will be the focus?
An Entrepreneurship Statewide Resource Network is being developed and BEA plans to develop others in critical areas.
Where will these Statewide Resource Network be housed?
Rather than being a physical location, Statewide Resource Networks are intended to be virtual hubs of information that bring together stakeholders from various organizations.
Will these Statewide Resource Networks have a staff?
Stakeholders throughout the state will serve on a volunteer basis with dedicated BEA staff providing structural, functional, and administrative support.
Why aren’t we having sector-specific Statewide Resource Networks?
There are already groups that pull companies and people together around industry sectors in the state, but nothing formalized around different economic development functions.
Who will join Statewide Resource Networks groups/can I join a Statewide Resource Networks?
Membership models in Statewide Resource Networks are still being determined. Anyone interested in participating should contact the BEA point of contact, Cindy Harrington, at