Low Tax Burden

The US Tax Foundation ranks New Hampshire’s business tax climate 7th nationally and 1st in New England. Why?

New Hampshire has:

  • No use tax
  • No sales tax
  • No estate tax
  • No internet tax
  • No inventory tax
  • No capital gains tax
  • Low corporate income tax
  • No professional service tax
  • No broad base personal income tax

For taxable periods ending on or after Dec. 31, 2019 the Business Profits Tax rate is reduced to 7.7 percent and the Business Enterprise Tax rate is reduced to .6 percent. 

Go to SelectNH.com for a comprehensive look at available commercial and industrial properties, as well as the data you need as you consider New Hampshire for location or expansion. The Division of Economic Development provides assistance to help you obtain permits necessary to establish or grow your business here.

For additional confidential assistance, contact:

 Michael Bergeron
 603-419-9163 (mobile)
 Connect Via LinkedIn