Incentives and Tax Credits
The New Hampshire Research and Development Tax Credit enables businesses to apply for tax credits on new research and development costs they can use toward business taxes paid. The credit can be carried forward for up to five years.
The Economic Revitalization Zone tax credit offers a short term business tax credit for projects that improve infrastructure and create jobs in designated areas of a municipality.
The Coos County Job Creation tax credit is awarded to businesses hiring employees for new, full-time positions that pay wages 200 percent higher than the minimum wage.
WorkInvestNH provides a 50/50 cash match grant $750 to $100,000 for customized training of a company’s employees.
Go to for a comprehensive look at available commercial and industrial properties, as well as the data you need as you consider New Hampshire for location or expansion. The Division of Economic Development provides assistance to help you obtain permits necessary to establish or grow your business here.
For additional confidential assistance, contact:

Michael Bergeron
603-419-9163 (mobile)
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