Easy Access to Markets
Boasting a deep water port, the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, a rail network and three interstate highways, New Hampshire is a strategic location in the heart of New England, close to markets and clients in Boston, New York, Montreal and beyond, by way of:
- Interstates 89, 93, 95;
- Manchester-Boston Regional Airport;
- Full-service local airports in Nashua, Concord, Laconia and Lebanon; charter service from Pease International Airport; international service from Boston Logan;
- Amtrak passenger service via the Downeaster and the Vermonter; regional freight lines;
- Public transportation in larger cities;
- Logistics: New Hampshire is the northern New England hub for UPS and FedEx.

Go to
SelectNH.com for a comprehensive look at available commercial and industrial properties, as well as the data you need as you consider New Hampshire for location or expansion. The Division of Economic Development provides assistance to help you obtain permits necessary to establish or grow your business here.
For additional confidential assistance, contact:
Michael Bergeron
603-419-9163 (mobile)
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