Opportunity Zones

On May 3, 2018, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu nominated 27 census tracts to be designated as Opportunity Zones, a federal program encouraging economic development and investment in low income areas around the country.

Investors can defer capital gains on earnings that have been reinvested in the zones through Opportunity Funds. Opportunity Funds are private sector investment vehicles that invest at least 90 percent of their capital in Opportunity Zones. Long-term investments maintained for over 10 years do not have to pay additional capital gains taxes on earnings from Opportunity Zone investments.


County and Municipal Maps Available here

White House Opportunity Zones Conference

• The President’s Remarks
• Achieve Video
Full plenary session from 4/17/19

• Geographic Inequality Fact Sheet
• White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (WHORC) Implementation Plan  
(news release)
 WHORC Completed Action

Information from Federal Agencies
U.S. Department of Treasury Guidance
 Treasury Issues Second Set of Highly Anticipated Opportunity Zones Guidance
• CDFI Opportunity Zones Resources
• HUD Request for Information
• Powering the American Dream
Learn more about leveraging federal resources for Opportunity Zones from the U.S. Small Business Administration at SBA.gov

Opportunity Zone Review
for New Hampshire Communities (10/18)

Powerpoint presentation
Opportunity Zones investment information
Key Considerations to Prepare Communities for Opportunity Zone Investments

Designated Census Tracts
Census Tracts Designated
New Hampshire Nominated Opportunity Zones
Map of Census Tracts Nominated
(downloadable pdf)
Opportunity Zone Nominating Criteria
Opportunity Zones News Release
Opportunity Zone Resources

Additional Resources
Executive Order establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council
White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council information
President's remarks at signing of executive order establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council
US Department of Treasury news release
Initial guidance from the US Department of Treasury (10-23-18)
Frequently Asked Questions (Internal Revenue Service)