Why New Hampshire
There are many reasons why New Hampshire is a great place to expand or relocate your business:
- Our workforce is skilled and robust.
- Taxes are low and our government is accessible.
- We are business-friendly.
- Time and again, we top national rankings when it comes to health, education, low crime and our quality of life.
- In southern New Hampshire, less than an hour from Boston, you will find significantly lower occupancy costs.
- Less than an hour south of our international border with Canada, you’ll find ideal and reasonably priced locations and workforce suitable for expansion into the US market.
- Our two interstate highways, rail corridors, airports and a deep water port are well-positioned so your business remains competitive within the US, just over the border in Quebec and Canada, or global markets around the world.
- The Division of Economic Development provides assistance to help you obtain permits necessary to establish or grow your business in New Hampshire.
Once you’re here, we’re just a phone call away, ready to make sure you thrive and prosper in the Granite State. We offer:
- Business and technical assistance to manufacturers
- Grants for job training so your employees keep up with changing technologies.
- Subsidized technical assistance from the University of New Hampshire and Dartmouth College.
- Assistance in procuring federal and state government contracts and resources for accessing global markets.
Our business development team is ready to answer your questions, provide you with customized information and take you on a tour of industrial and office real estate suitable for your needs, all in strict confidence. Go to
SelectNH.com for a comprehensive look at available commercial and industrial properties, as well as the data you need as you consider New Hampshire for location or expansion.
For comprehensive, confidential business relocation and expansion assistance, contact:

Michael Bergeron
603-419-9163 (mobile)
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