Quality of Life

New Hampshire’s business friendly climate is complemented by our exceptional quality of life. We consistently rate high in national rankings when it comes to health, education, low crime and the well-being of our children.

New Hampshire enjoys four seasons, all of which are a dynamic back drop to endless recreational opportunities on our lakes, around our seacoast and throughout our mountains. And with 92 state parks, the Granite State offers an experience for just about every altitude, from sea level at Hampton Beach State Park to Mount Washington State Park, the highest peak in the Northeast, at 6,288 feet.

As diverse as the landscape is in New Hampshire, it is possible to spend the day skiing, snowmobiling, golfing or hiking in the White Mountains and enjoy a night out in Portsmouth, Manchester or one of our other southern New Hampshire cities.

Go to SelectNH.com for a comprehensive look at available commercial and industrial properties, as well as the data you need as you consider New Hampshire for location or expansion. The Division of Economic Development provides assistance to help you obtain permits necessary to establish or grow your business here. For additional confidential business relocation and expansion assistance, contact:

 Michael Bergeron
 603-419-9163 (mobile)
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