Rapid Response for Workers
Being laid off or dislocated from your job can be a highly stressful experience, but knowing the right tools and resources that are available can help ease the transition back into the job market. The Rapid Response Program is designed to connect dislocated workers to local resources, information and services that will enhance re-employment opportunities and help mediate the burden of job loss.
NH Rapid Response is initiated when the state or local Rapid Response team learns of impending layoffs. Many companies will contact a member of the NH Rapid Response team to notify them of a layoff and invite them to come on-site to help the affected workers. Other times employers may publicly announce layoffs through the media.
If you know your company is planning layoffs and workers have not been told that Rapid Response services will be available, or if your company has laid you off without notice, please contact Jimmie Hinson, NH Rapid Response Program Coordinator at
Jimmie.R.Hinson@livefree.nh.gov or (603) 271- 0337.
During Rapid Response, specialists trained to help you cope with job change will gather information about your current skills, your career interests, and other needs and begin to organize the services necessary to help you return to work. At orientation meetings, you will be informed about services and benefits designed to help you get back on your feet, including:
- Career counseling and job search assistance
- Resume preparation and interviewing skills workshops
- Information on the local labor market
- Unemployment Insurance
- Information about education and training opportunities
- Information on services provided NH Department of Health and Human Services
Local services available may include use of computers, telephones, and fax machines for job searches; financial planning and stress management workshops; financial support for training; income support if jobs were lost due to foreign trade; and special services for veterans and adults with disabilities.

For more information regarding NH Works Rapid Response program, please contact:
Jimmie Hinson
Workforce Development Administrator
Office: 603-271-0337
Cell: 603-419-0995 (Primary)

For more information regarding NH Employment Security programs and services, please contact:
Kathryn LaPierre
Bureau Operations Specialist
Job & Resource Fair Coordinator
New Hampshire Employment Security
603-228-4083 (Office)
Welcome | New Hampshire Employment Security (nh.gov)

For more information regarding Community Action Partnership of New Hampshire programs and services, please contact:
Michelle Heart
WIOA Program Manager
Community Action Partnership of New Hampshire
207-475-2363 (Cell)

For more information regarding NH Department of Health and Human Services programs and services, please contact:
Germano Martins
Community Relations Manager
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
603-545-1635 (Cell) - 1-844-ASK-DHHS
NH EASY - Gateway to Services

For more information regarding NH Vocational Rehabilitation programs and services, please contact:
Terri Tedeschi
Business Relations Consultant
New Hampshire Vocational Rehabilitation
603-271-6719 (Office) 603-419-0277 (Cell)
Vocational Rehabilitation | Department of Education (nh.gov)

For more information regarding the Community College system of NH’s WorkReadyNH program, please contact:
Loula Kalampalikis
Workforce Development Administrator
Community College system of New Hampshire
603-230-3534 (Office)
Home Page - Community College System of New Hampshire (ccsnh.edu)