Client Assessment

Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.

Does your company have a product or service that has been successfully sold in the domestic market?*
Does your company have or is your company preparing an international marketing plan with defined goals and strategies?*
Is your company’s management committed to developing export markets and willing and able to dedicate staff, time and resources to the process? If yes, what resources ?*
Have you identified foreign customers? Have you ever made any foreign sales (direct or indirect)?*
Does your company have the financial resources to actively support the marketing of your products in the targeted overseas markets?*
Does your company have sufficient production capacity that can be committed to the export market?*
Is your company committed to providing the same level of service given to your domestic customers?*
Does your company have adequate knowledge in modifying product packaging and ingredients to meet foreign import regulations and cultural preferences?*
Does your company have adequate knowledge in shipping its product overseas, such as identifying and selecting international freight forwarders and freight costing?*
Does your company have adequate knowledge of export payment mechanisms, such as developing and negotiating letters of credit or insuring overseas accounts receivable to mitigate risk? Or accessing export working capital to fund transactions?*
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